Quantum Strategic Advisors | Newton, MA


We have completed 50+ engagements and advised on $12B+ of deal value and $225M+ of EBITDA improvements.

Quality and Throughput Improvements at a Flex PCB Plant

For a PE owned flexible PCB manufacturing plant, Quantum conducted a manufacturing and operational assessment to understand root causes of quality and throughput shortfalls.  Quantum worked with the plant team to develop value stream maps, and led a Process FMEA workshop.  Based on this Quantum built a fish bone diagram of root causes.  Quantum further assessed the yield loss, throughput loss and overtime associated with each of the causes. Quantum developed a prioritized set of initiatives and investments, quantified the benefits and built the business case for capital investments.  Quantum also designed the implementation project, and developed the workstream charters for each initiative.

Custom ASICs Add On ODD

For a PE owned Hi-Rel Electronics Manufacturer with multiple locations in North America and Europe, Quantum completed ODD of an add-on tuck in acquisition.  Quantum assessed the synergies in Manufacturing, Global Supply Chain and Engineering consolidation. Quantum mapped the products, processes and capabilities of the Target with the buyer’s capabilities to identify synergies in contract manufacturing, components and wafer purchasing, engineering consolidation to best of breed and facility consolidation. Quantum also critically assessed the product development pipeline to understand each project status, and worked with both the target and buyer to develop risk based estimates further development costs, that informed the PE investment scenarios.

Industrial Manufacturing Plant Consolidation

For an add on acquisition of a PE owned Industrial manufacturer, Quantum completed the consolidation of 2 manufacturing plants, on time, on budget, and delivered the full synergy case identified in diligence. Quantum led the PMO for the consolidation and worked closely with both plant teams to lead multiple workstreams on SKU consolidations, plant capacity planning, workforce scaling and RIFs, production and supply chain transitions,  equipment moves, facility closure, etc. Commenting on the Quantum work, the COO of the company thanked Quantum for a “flawless execution”.   Quantum continues to be engaged at the client on further opportunities.

Aerospace Composites Carve Out ODD

For a PE Platform acquisition, Quantum conducted an ODD of an aerospace and defense composites products business with multiple manufacturing plants in North America, being carved out from a Parent.  Quantum conducted site visits to all the manufacturing plants and assessed manufacturing, supply chain, procurement, and other operating capabilities at each of the manufacturing plants.  Quantum assessed capacity  utilization, rework costs, productivity impacts,  Lean maturity and initiatives, etc.  Quantum developed potential EBITDA improvements that  included footprint consolidations, product moves and operating efficiencies.  Quantum also estimated inventory reduction potential.

A&D Manufacturing Relocation Plan Review

For a PE add on acquisition in Aerospace & Defense manufacturing, Quantum completed a relocation review.  The target had plans to relocate its manufacturing location to a new site.  Quantum’s role was to assess the feasibility and risks in the relocation related to customer qualifications, equipment move planning for CNC machines, inventory and production planning, impact on customer lead times and other operational issues.  Quantum developed recommendations and a detailed one time cost schedule for the relocation.

Microelectronics/Radios Add On ODD and Carve Out Planning

For a PE portfolio company that designs and manufactures Defense and Space micro-electronics / radios, Quantum completed the ODD and Carve out planning of an add on acquisition that specialized in high performance radios.  Quantum assessed the target’s functional maturity in Engineering, Manufacturing and Supply chain.  Quantum conducted end-to-end process mapping, reviewed the backlogs with contract manufacturers, assessed components inventory and shortages, assessed the available growth capacity, reviewed the new products pipeline for manufacturing and profiled the key opportunities and risks.  Subsequent to the diligence, Quantum led the buyer’s team in a comprehensive carveout planning of the target from its parent company.  The carve out plan covered all functions (Finance, HR, Procurement, IT, Marketing, Communications, etc.) and also developed the TSA requirements by function.

Industrial Maquila Add-On ODD and Synergy Assessment

For a PE industrial/A&D manufacturing portfolio company with multiple plants in the USA, Quantum conducted operational diligence and synergy assessment of an add-on acquisitions with plants in AZ and Mexico (maquiladora).  Quantum mapped processes, conducted operational analysis and assessed the maturity and efficiency of the target’s manufacturing, procurement and supply chain operations.  Quantum also assessed the available capacity at Mexico to receive additional products from the buyer’s US plants.  Quantum profiled the buyer’s products to identify specific candidates for moving production to Mexico,  and quantified the synergies from moving.  For 1 specific growth product where the buyer was facing pricing pressures, we quantified the potential price reduction possible by moving production to Mexico.

Industrial Add on ODD and Synergy Assessment

For a PE portfolio company that manufactures and distributes industrial products, Quantum conducted Operational Due Diligence and synergy modeling for a large add-on acquisition.  Synergies included consolidation of manufacturing plants, channels and distribution centers, SKU rationalization and organizational integration. Quantum modeled the existing capacity by each process at the receiving plants and modeled how the costs would change with incremental volume from the target plants.  Quantum also modeled new inventory levels and additional space and costs required in DCs.  Based on this Quantum developed synergy estimates, detailed one time costs estimates and an integration plan

Defense Electronics – Add On ODD

For a PE owned Defense and Space electronics company, Quantum conducted an add-on assessment of a highly engineering focused signals intelligence company.   Quantum was part of the buyer’s team, and managed other consultants as part of this diligence.  We conducted a detailed review of the target’s product development roadmap, compared it with the buyer’s capabilities and roadmap to identify overlaps, leverage areas and synergies.  We also conducted a detailed review of the Engineering function to identify stand alone improvement opportunities and synergies with the buyer.  We also assessed the synergies in manufacturing and supply chain consolidation.

Space Microelectronics company – Add On ODD

For a PE owned Aerospace and Defense focused microelectronics company, Quantum conducted Operational Due Diligence of an add-on space microelectronics company.  Quantum compared the processes and operating models of buyer and target across functions – Engineering, Manufacturing, Procurement, Supply chain and Go-to-market, and assessed maturity and scalability.  Quantum assessed potential for synergies in manufacturing, procurement and supply chain and  developed an integration approach.  Quantum also assessed in detail, inventory positions of critical components required for product builds, and identified shortages to meet order backlogs.

UK Industrial Add On ODD and Integration Planning

For a US based truck accessories manufacturer / market leader with a UK footprint, Quantum conducted ODD, synergy assessment and integration planning for the acquisition of a UK based competitor truck accessories company. Quantum conducted site visits to the buyer and target’s UK manufacturing and parts distribution locations.  Quantum’s synergy assessment focused on identifying and quantifying the synergies in procurement, organization, after market distribution operations, footprint and other areas.  Quantum also assessed the opportunity to implement production automation at 2 of the UK manufacturing locations, based on the US plant’s operating model. Quantum developed an integrated organizational model and a detailed integration plan and change management plan for the 2 companies to cover all the identified opportunities, and also to de-risk the transitioning out of the founder/managers at the target.

Aerospace machined components – Platform ODD

For a PE company’s new platform investment in a manufacturer of highly engineered machined components for thermal management of electronics, Quantum conducted Operational Due Diligence and estimated EBITDA improvements and CapEx requirements over investment horizon. Quantum conducted site visits to 2 manufacturing locations, conducted a maturity assessment of processes, manufacturing efficiencies/ Lean, order fulfillment, equipment utilization, supply chain and procurement, labor management, safety and other key processes. Quantum developed recommendations for operational improvements and estimated the EBITDA improvements from the recommendations.  Quantum also assessed the sufficiency of CapEx plans and recommended adjustments for investment considerations

ODD of an Aerospace Microelectronics Company

For a PE Platform investment, Quantum conducted ODD of an engineering-driven mid-market manufacturer of Software Defined Radios and RF Sensing technologies for aerospace, defense and commercial markets.  Quantum assessed the engineering, product development, supplier management, manufacturing, knowledge management, HR and other processes to identify improvement potential, develop risk mitigation and assess scalability.  Quantum estimated the EBITDA improvement potential and investments required for growth and scaling.

Microelectronics – 2 Add on Assessments

For a PE owned microelectronics company, Quantum completed back to back 2 add on assessments, involving 3 manufacturing locations.  The target companies products included highly engineered substrates, dies and packages and hi-reliability products for aerospace, defense, medical and other sectors. In each of these ODDs, Quantum assessed the maturity of processes, opportunities for EBITDA improvements, potential risks and synergies with the  buyer.   Areas assessed included manufacturing efficiencies, quality/yield, productivity, cost management, constrained supply chain and vendor management, equipment maintenance/CapEx, continuous improvement, etc.

Glass Fabrication Plant – Operations Turnaround

For a North American glass fabricator, Quantum led an operational turnaround program at  one of its highly automated manufacturing plants. Quantum conducted a quick assessment of the operating issues affecting plant performance.  Quantum worked closely with the plant team to develop  a comprehensive program that addressed all of the operating processes from purchasing to customer service.  Quantum led multiple Kaizen events and Root Cause Analysis exercises to identify changes to operating practices, processes and KPIs.  Quantum coached the plant team through the implementation, and helped to achieve significant improvements in On Time In Full (OTIF %), reduction in scrap, increase in throughput, setting the plant on the path to improved profitability.

Micro Electronics Add on Integration and Plant Closure

For a global microelectronics / semiconductor services company, Quantum led an add-on integration.  The major workstream was footprint consolidation – the closure of 1 US manufacturing plant and moving production and operations to 2 other US based plants.  The move involved 4 services, 1 of which was completely new to the acquirer and with a significant need for knowledge transfer. Quantum developed a detailed work plan that  included value stream mapping, equipment needs assessment, customer qualifications plan, training and knowledge transfer plan, production coordination, testing and ramp up, hiring/HR considerations etc.  Quantum led the PMO to integrate both manufacturing and back office.  Work was completed to excellent client satisfaction, despite having to work through Covid-related restrictions.

Semi Conductor Add On Assessment

For a PE owned semi-conductor processing company, Quantum completed an assessment of a potential add on acquisition of a competitor with 3 manufacturing plants.   Quantum conducted a detailed assessment of each of the processing plants, and developed an integration framework and EBITDA savings estimates from integrating the operations of the 2 companies.

Chemicals Roll Up and Operations Stabilization

For a mid-market PE owned chemicals company, Quantum led a 12 month engagement to integrate 6 acquisitions and also to stabilize operations at the consolidated central bottling/packaging plant. Quantum set up a PMO structure, built functional integration plans for each of the acquired companies and managed the integration.  The scope included raw material procurement savings, closing down of 2 facilities and opening a new central bottling facility with expanded capacity, increased cross-selling, insourcing, and ERP extension to all locations.  The team achieved the savings targets and all integration milestones. Following the integration, Quantum led a 6-month engagement to stabilize operations at the central bottling plant.  Quantum consultant acted as the interim plant manager, hired key staff, staffed a second shift, set up KPIs and daily reporting.  Reduced back orders by 80% when order volumes increased by 275%.  All of this was achieved while maintaining disease free continuous operations during the Covid outbreak.

ODD of an electrical components manufacturer

For a PE client considering a platform investment in an electrical component manufacturer with 2 manufacturing locations and a complex global supply chain, Quantum conducted an Operations Due Diligence and supply chain risk assessment.  The site visits were conducted observing strict Covid-19 protocols.  Quantum developed an assessment of manufacturing and operating processes, ability to support growth and risks in the supply chain.

Add on assessment for a fiber optic company

For a PE owned fiber and cable connectivity manufacturing company operating in aerospace and defense verticals, Quantum conducted an operational synergy assessment of an add on acquisition in an adjacent space.  Quantum assessed the operating processes at the target’s manufacturing plant, identified opportunities for EBITDA improvements and developed a post-close operating agenda for the target.

ODD – Industrial Add On Acquisition

For a PE portfolio company that manufactures and distributes pipe fittings and connections, Quantum conducted an Operational Due Diligence and synergy modeling for the potential acquisition of a competitor.  Synergies included consolidation of manufacturing plants, foundries, channels and distribution centers, SKU rationalization and organizational integration. Quantum modeled the existing capacity by each process at the receiving plants and modeled how the costs would change with incremental volume from the target plants.  Quantum also modeled new inventory levels and additional space and costs required in DCs.  Based on this Quantum developed synergy estimates, one time costs estimates and an integration plan

ODD – Global Semiconductor Components Company

For a PE portfolio company in aerospace micro electronics considering an add-on acquisition of a significantly larger, high reliability global semi conductor components supplier, Quantum conducted ODD and operational synergy assessment.  The Quantum team visited 8 plants in the US and UK to conduct overall operations assessment.  The team developed integration strategy for manufacturing plants that included closing 2 of the target’s locations and moving production over to the acquirer’s plants.  Quantum developed the synergies and one time costs in operational and organizational integration.  Quantum was retained to lead the post-close implementation

Industrial distributor – Operational Assessment

For a recently acquired hardware distributor with 0ver 75K SKUs,  Quantum conducted a detailed post-close operations assessment. Recommendations included consolidating  DC network from 16 to 8 locations, changes to inventory policies, classification and stocking levels, e-commerce fulfillment policies, sourcing & rebates, DC operating procedures, etc. Management has fully accepted the recommendations and is implementing in an expedited timeline

Industrial Distributor-Operational Assessment and Implementation

For a recently acquired fast-growing industrial parts designer/distributor with 20K SKUs, significant Asia sourcing, Quantum conducted a detailed post-close operations assessment. Quantum identified transformative changes in business model, processes and systems, to enable the business to scale to 2X in a few years. The changes include service level definitions, sales processes, SOIP and inventory levels, operations scheduling, assembly capacity enhancements, WMS and SCM software, network structure changes, etc. Subsequently Quantum led a 7-month implementation program to assist the Management team through these changes.

Chemicals Footprint Strategy

For a global chemicals company, Quantum developed its North American footprint strategy – specifically to address if plants could be consolidated. The Quantum team worked collaboratively with the client to assess demand and capacity by various chemistries at the reactor level at each plant, under various business scenarios. Quantum developed several footprint scenarios that evaluated capital investments, reactor utilizations, tolling considerations, tank capacities, infrastructure investments, operating costs, freight considerations, regulatory considerations and customer impact. Quantum calculated CapEx, OpEX and ROI under each scenario, and a recommended path forward.

Chemicals – Plant Consolidation Project Management

For a global chemicals company, Quantum led the integration of 2 of its largest North American manufacturing sites. Quantum worked closely with the client functional teams to develop a detailed program that covered product qualifications with customers, capital investments / capacity enhancements, plant operations process developments, supply chain planning and production transition, logistics and rail transition, etc. Quantum set up the PMO, managed the worksreams and led the 8-month program to successfully transition production on-time, to very high client satisfaction.

Add-on Synergy Assessment for A&D Components Manufacturer

For a PE portfolio company in aerospace & defense, evaluating an add-on acquisition of a components manufacturer and repair service provider, Quantum conducted operational diligence and add-on synergy assessment. Quantum worked closely with the client’s team to identify and assess specific synergy opportunities in manufacturing including production consolidation, sourcing, organization and SG&A. Quantum developed the synergy estimates, one time costs and an integration implementation plan.

ODD automotive after-market parts manufacturer

For a PE client, Quantum conducted a rapid Phase 1 assessment of a mid-market automotive after-market parts manufacturer. Quantum conducted site visits, data analysis and management discussions to assess the maturity and scalability of operating practices, network capacity and operating costs.

ODD and Carve out planning for a global machinery and parts manufacturer

For a PE client, Quantum conducted a detailed carve out operational assessment of a global blow molding machinery manufacturing and after market parts distribution operations. Specifically the assessment focused on relocating assembly and parts distribution from the parent company to one of the carved out sites. Quantum conducted a detailed review of the assembly operations and supply chain, assessed the feasibility and risks in the carve out, developed the operating costs for the NewCo, developed site lay outs for the new assembly and distribution operations, an implementation plan and estimates for one-time costs. Quantum’s expertise in manufacturing and distribution was recognized by the PE clients and the NewCo Management team.

Chemicals Add On Integration Lead

For a mid-market PE owned Chemical / Polymer company, Quantum led a 12 month engagement to integrate the add on acquisition of a similar sized competitor.  Quantum set  up the PMO, developed detailed work plans and managed workstreams for manufacturing consolidation / plant closure, plant expansion, sourcing, warehouse relocation, organization integration, and commercial and R&D integration.  Quantum also provided input to implementation of a new ERP.

Aerospace electronics components ODD

For a PE client focused on aerospace investments, Quantum Strategic Advisors conducted an ODD of a leading high reliability electronics components manufacturer with 5 manufacturing sites in the US. Quantum assessed the potential for EBITDA improvements through operational initiatives including – footprint rationalization, product consolidation, sourcing, productivity improvements and pricing. Quantum also outlined platform investments to support continued acquisitive growth.

Order to ship cycle time reduction

For a lower middle market “Build to Order” electronic components manufacturing service provider, Quantum conducted an assessment of its order to delivery cycle times and identified opportunities to reduce lead times by 50%. Our client provided very high quality production services but customer dissatisfaction with lead times was limiting growth. Quantum collected detailed process data using templates, conducted process observations and analysis to identify key issues affecting cycle times at every step in the process. Quantum facilitated internal discussions to identify solutions to reduce lead times by 50%.

Chemicals add on – Detailed integration planning

For a mid-market PE add on acquisition in the Polymers space, Quantum conducted detailed synergy assessment and integration planning. The Quantum team worked closely with the buyer and the target for a bottom up assessment of synergies in Commercial, Manufacturing, Sourcing, Supply Chain and G&A. The synergies included consolidation of manufacturing footprint, extensive sourcing / in-sourcing opportunities and cross-selling. The manufacturing consolidation scenario was developed through a reactor level modeling of chemistry, batch sizes, utilization and capacity. Sourcing synergies were developed through extensive workshops. The team developed a detailed implementation plan and a detailed estimate of one time costs for the manufacturing consolidation.

Aerospace electronics roll up

For a middle market PE firm, Quantum conducted operational assessments of 3 highly specialized aerospace electronics companies. For each target, Quantum assessed the stand alone improvement opportunities in manufacturing, supply chain, organization and G&A. We also assessed potential synergies in a roll up scenario integrating with other targets under consideration.

Aerospace acquisition and plant move

For a $3B diversified aerospace manufacturer, conducted operational due diligence and detailed pre-close planning for the acquisition and integration of a North American aerospace manufacturer with 2 plant locations. The Quantum team assessed synergies in manufacturing, organization and G&A. Developed a detailed plan to move production to the buyer’s manufacturing locations and transition to an integrated organization. Quantum has been retained to lead the integration

Global chemicals merger

For a $750M global chemicals company (metal working fluids, lubricants, coatings) led a global diligence for the acquisition of a similar sized global competitor. The Quantum team acted as a trusted adviser to the buyer’s Executive team, managed other diligence providers, and guided the effort in assessment of opportunities and risks in global manufacturing, sourcing, organization, SG&A and commercial integration.

Global specialty chemicals acquisition

For a $700M global chemicals company, led the diligence for the acquisition of a $350M global specialty chemicals manufacturer (coatings and colorants). The Quantum team worked closely with the bidder’s management team to assess synergies in manufacturing, sourcing, supply chain and G&A. Conducted global site visits, developed footprint rationalization scenarios, developed integrated organization structure, assessed combined sourcing synergies and potential SG&A reductions

Medical Products Merger

For a $500M medical products manufacturer and distributor, conducted diligence on the acquisition of a $200M device manufacturer and supplier. Identified the operational impact of the vertical integration strategy and quantified synergies in manufacturing, sourcing, supply chain and G&A.

Specialty Retail Diligence

Operational Due Diligence on a $8B specialty retail take private transaction for 2 very large PE firms jointly bidding on the deal. ODD identified $200+M in EBITDA improvements through sourcing and merchandising initiatives, and efficiencies in store operations, supply chain, e-commerce and G&A.

Oil Services – Clean Room Diligence

For 2 oil services companies who were direct competitors evaluating a merger, we conducted a clean room diligence to confidentially assess synergy potential in global operations. Maintained strict confidentiality of both parties’ data, worked interactively with both companies to evaluate synergies in asset utilization, organization rationalization, facilities and sourcing.

Electronics Manufacturing Plant – Buy and Move

For an aerospace and defense semi-conductor manufacturer, conducted diligence and detailed pre-close planning for the acquisition and integration of a carve out of the micro-electronics division from a parent company. Developed detailed work plan and one time costs for moving the manufacturing plant and headquarters to a new location, and estimated EBITDA impact.

Specialty Manufacturing Diligence

Operational Due Diligence of a $2B specialty paper and plastics products manufacturer that had grown quickly through acquisitions and had 30+ plants. Assessed opportunities in manufacturing footprint consolidation, Lean improvements, indirect sourcing and supply chain. Critically evaluated seller’s claims on footprint and manufacturing initiatives, which helped the PE firm to calibrate their interests in the target.

Branded CPG Carve Out

For a $1B branded retail cosmetic manufacturer being carved out from a large parent, assessed the operational impacts as a standalone. Estimated the impact of loss of leverage in sourcing and distribution, offset by reductions in corporate overheads, and operational improvements.

Global Carve out of a Chemical Company

Operational Due Diligence on the global carve out of a $1B specialty coatings manufacturer. Identified $60M in EBITDA improvements from manufacturing efficiencies, footprint consolidation, strategic sourcing and G&A reduction.

Field Services Merger Assessment

For a PE owned $450M HVAC service provider, evaluated the synergy potential for merger with a loss making direct competitor to be carved out from a parent. This was an exclusive look. Developed a turnaround plan including a detailed branch rationalization model, a joint branding and advertising program and sourcing leverage. Estimated EBITDA improvement potential, months to turnaround and cash flow model as input to a bidding strategy.

Food Manufacturer Commercial Diligence

Commercial and operational due diligence of a $200M contract food manufacturer serving military and commercial channels. Assessed and validated growth projections in new product introductions with branded food manufacturer programs. Assessed improvement potential in manufacturing operations. Developed revenue and EBITDA forecasts.

Gas Distributor Diligence

Exclusive Operational Due Diligence on a $200M high growth CO2 distributor. Identified $10M EBITDA improvement potential through field operations improvements, sales force effectiveness and sourcing.

Food Distributor – Operational Best Practices

For a PE owned $12B food services distributor implemented a multi-year operational improvements program to improve EBITDA by $60M through standardizing operating practices in DCs, route optimization, increased backhauls and other operational improvements.

Field Work Force Productivity

For a PE owned $200M retail refrigeration services company with a large field workforce, implemented a comprehensive productivity management program across 2 business units to improve productivity, track construction work progress, improve bidding and manage exceptions. Improved EBITDA by 200 bps which was instrumental in the sale of the company to another PE firm.

Trans-Border Acquisition and Plant Move

Operational Due Diligence, pre-close panning and post-close program management for acquiring and integrating a $50M Mexican specialty manufacturer and moving production to the buyer’s plant in USA.

Medical Distributor Carve Out

Operational Due Diligence of a $450M Medical distributor being carved out from a parent company. Identified $8M EBITDA improvement through Sourcing, Private label and supply chain efficiencies.

Chemicals – Footprint Rationalization

For a $800M global specialty chemicals manufacturer with significant excess capacity and declining markets, developed a detailed business case and plan to rationalize its manufacturing capacity. Modelled multiple scenarios based on cost/benefits, market and competitive impacts and recommended a best fit scenario for implementation.

Software Acquisition

For a large transportation equipment manufacturer looking to build technology capabilities, conducted commercial and operational due diligence on the acquisition of a rail and logistics software company. Validated market potential and growth assumptions.

Aerospace JV and Technology Transfer

For a Middle Eastern Sovereign Wealth Fund interested in developing aerospace manufacturing capabilities in the country, provided consulting support to sign a Joint Venture agreement with aerospace OEMs to set up a composite manufacturing plant in the country. Modeled the economics of the greenfield operation and technology transfer and provided significant input to the JV set up.

Oil Services Merger Integration

For an upstream oil services company buying and integrating a competitor’s North American business, led the diligence and rapid merger integration. Completed integration in 6 weeks; enabled the large field work force to transition seamlessly to new processes, billing and reporting, leveraging best practices from both companies.

Parcel company valuation / strategic options

Assisted the government of Canada to evaluate strategic options for a large parcel carrier owned by Canada Post. Developed detailed financial models for commercial and operational synergies for various strategic options including IPO, sale to financial buyers, strategic buyers, etc. Advised on value to stakeholders and recommended actions.

3PL acquisition by platform company – Commercial diligence

For a PE owned global 3PL evaluating the acquisition of niche European forwarder, conducted commercial and strategic assessment of the acquisition and fit with the parent company. Assessed market positioning and operational synergies from the merger